Electrical Substation Building 8167
Gatton's Building 8167 is an important element in the campus infrastructure.
It houses a major electrical substation and shelters a vital back-up power generator. Its location and orientation makes it well suited to a photovoltaic installation.
The 25 kWp roof-top system was installed as part of the School of Veterinary Science relocation project.
PV panels have been landscape mounted on six sets of tilt frames set up at 27° on the flat roof of Building 8167.
The long axis of the building is almost north-south and as a result the panels have been oriented 5 degrees east of north.

Site name | UQ Gatton Campus |
Building / location | Building 8167 |
Suburb / city | Gatton, QLD 4343 |
Nominal DC output | 25 kWp |
Module area | 183.8 m2 |
Start-up date | 1/06/2010 |
Visible on Live Data display | No |
Date connected to display | Early 2012 (planned) |
Site longitude | 152°20'01.50" E |
Site latitude | 27°33'11.00" S |
Height above sea level | 105 metres |
Time zone | AEST |
Type of installation | Rooftop installation (elevated) |
Tracking system | No tracking system |
Tilt | 27° |
Orientation | 5° |
Module make & model | Mono-crystalline Silicon |
Module technology | Conergy P170M |
Module size | 1580 x 808 mm |
Number of modules | 144 |
Inverter make & model | SMC 8000TL |
Number of inverters | 3 |