Renewable Energy Laboratory

The Renewable Energy Laboratory within the UQ School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was developed with funding from AGL Solar Flagship Education Infrastructure Fund.

The lab is equipped with modern renewable energy research facilities including:

  1. Two real time digital simulator racks
  2. Power amplifiers
  3. Solar emulator
  5. Battery storage
  6. Battery simulator
  7. Wind turbine control setup (With dSPACE)
  8. Most commercial power systems analytical tools.

Generating optimum clean energy from sunlight requires a coordinated mix of technology and expertise.

The University of Queensland has research scientists working on multi-disciplinary solutions that include:

  • improving battery technology
  • conducting shading analysis
  • building more efficient photovoltaics
  • improving power system stability and condition assessment of critical infrastructure.


More information can be found in the UQ Renewable Energy Lab (PDF, 1.9 MB) brochure